Enhanced Safety Features for Spatial.io: A Safer Community for All Spatians

May 24, 2023

At Spatial, we're deeply committed to cultivating a dynamic and vibrant community, one that thrives in a secure and creatively inclusive environment. As we continue to grow, we acknowledge the importance of evolving with our community, adapting our platform to enhance both the safety and enjoyment of all members. Inspired by your feedback, we're excited to announce our latest safety features designed to safeguard everyone in our ecosystem.

Report Button

Report Space Button: Creators now have the ability to swiftly report spaces or content that potentially violate our community guidelines. These reports will be promptly reviewed by our dedicated safety and security team.

Ecosystem Security: Building on our existing community guidelines, we're reinforcing the moderation of space names, user names, and thumbnails. These steps will ensure that all worlds within our ecosystem align with our shared values of respect and inclusion, promoting a creative & safe environment for all to enjoy.

Community Mods: We're thrilled to introduce our new team members who are dedicated to maintaining our platform's positive atmosphere. As guardians and allies, they'll be available to address concerns and provide support through our new Discord channel.

At Spatial, we're driven by the vision of a thriving virtual space where safety and creativity merge. Our latest security features reaffirm our unwavering commitment to protecting and nurturing our vibrant creative community. We deeply appreciate your continued support and feedback, and we're looking forward to continuing to enhance Spatial together, building a digital safe haven for all.

For additional support please visit our docs! Stay safe, stay connected, and enjoy your time in Spatial!


The Spatial Team

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