Cooper's Workshop: A Journey Through Design

Lara Matos57 views

This exhibition is about the pioneer Muriel Cooper. It integrates some of her most famous designs with her journey as a designer. Particularly, depicting from start to finish the origins of what led to what we know today as Design / Graphic Design. Altogether, this exhibition should educate people as to who Muriel Cooper is, her major clients, contributions to the field, and how these are seen and applied today in design.

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Superbike Racing

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King of the Hill. Multiplayer
Neon Ghost

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Irule Store
Racing Empire
Casa Santa Claus

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Kyoto 洛
Ai Agents

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Escape Lockdown

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SPATIAN GUYS [GAME]  - v.1.0.0
OC Architecture Gallery
Futura Hub - Welcome Island
Squid game By Meta Vitrine
Nirvana Grove


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