Stata Island

mrinskine341 views7 loves

Stata Island is an institutional daydream at MIT. The metallic Stata Center is whimsically rewilded and campus flooded into an island - like it once was before the shoreline was ‘reclaimed’ by colonizers and how it once again will be due to climate change. Explore the world as human or beaver- that appears in indigenous myths and as the mascot of MIT. Rich is the compost of the land that you stand upon with histories, explore through quests and gain the ability to become beaver across worlds.

Release Date

August 26, 2023

Apex Street Racing
Mataha - Labyrinth Game
My African Dream
Superbike Racing

2 online

Nirvana Grove


1 online

Aum_imm สังคมครูอุ้ม
Timelock: Puzzle Parkour
Irule Store
Mars : 2084 - Départ / Start - Zone 1
Цифровой центр музея им. Сергея Курёхина
Staircase Lobby
Prop Hunt

1 online

NekoMimi Island No.001
ghost town
Sniper Legends
BOSS Immersive Showroom