Guns & Games, an Essay: Introduction (Part 1 of 9)

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"The Impossibility of Resurrecting Hundreds of Dead Animals: Outplaying Violence in and the Rules of Video Games" is an essay on ludic-virtual violence, ludus, paidia and video game rules, as well as animals in games. The essay discusses various digital games, machinima and performative (online) game interventions as well as video game ethics and the concepts metagaming and queergaming.

Jailbreak Prison Run

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The mystery of the Tentaverse
メタバースの実証実験キャンパス 17Campus
Kasama The Awakening

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School Run Driver

1 online

Sniper Legends
Buddy Blitz
1844: A Jornada
Escape Game : Treasure Island - ENG
Tokyo Kitty Circuit / 東京キティサーキット
Energy Tree Gallery - Collective Art experience
Superbike Racing
Wood Studio | Crystal Bridges
AbsolutLand: Journey To The Cosmos
Backrooms Game
King of the Hill. Multiplayer