Yulan virtual museum - Hong Kong Memory

TLDO@HKSYU1.4K views15 loves

This virtual museum uses multiple media to exhibit the celebrations of the Hungry Ghosts Festival with reference to 3 local communities in Hong Kong.

The mystery of the Tentaverse
Mataha - Labyrinth Game
Jailbreak Prison Run
Superbike Racing

1 online

Hyper Jump
Stoopid Long Obby!

1 online

Prop Hunt
Apex Street Racing

8 online

Depok AI
kru sutasinee's Digital Hangout
7Plus : Avatar Store
Escape Game : Treasure Island - ENG

1 online

Avatar Wing Shop : Universal Auras Sold Here
Mostly Only Up!

16 online

Café Metavila Literária
Sniper Legends

1 online