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福祉DAOのメタバースワールド ここでは生きづらさを感じている全ての人と思いを共有し共感しあえる場所。気ままに冒険や探検したり、気の合う仲間と交流しあなたの自由に楽しみましょう。 Metaverse World of Welfare DAO This is a place where you can share your thoughts and feelings and empathize with all those who are experiencing difficulties in life. Come and explore at your leisure, interact with like-minded people, and enjoy your freedom.

Release Date

April 17, 2024

King of the Hill. Multiplayer

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Timelock: Puzzle Parkour


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My African Dream
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Propagation House (phsds)
Nurse_breastfeeding's Immersive Area
Central Asian University

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Journey to Shangri La
Lofi Chill with Ari

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D株式会社(D inc.)|東京都新宿区 |メタバースオフィス
Spatial Avatar Store

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One Woman's Metaverse Art Gallery
Avatar Wing Shop : Universal Auras Sold Here
Apex Street Racing

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Backrooms Game
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Meta Garden