FIFA Gallery

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Have a look around at some of the coolest FIFA Spotlights and legits with links to view them in If you like what you see and are interested in collecting FIFA Word Cup NTF's displayed in the Gallery, you can contact DRTID at: Discord: DRTID#5039 Twitter: Upland In Game Name: ifily Enjoy and don't forget to hit the Heart and share the love! PS: If you decide you want to learn more about Upland ~ let's connect!

Release Date

March 25, 2023

Apex Street Racing

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Neon Ghost

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Stoopid Long Obby!
Lofi Chill with Ari
Squid game By Meta Vitrine
Escape Game : Treasure Island - ENG
Jailbreak Prison Run
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Food& Nutrition  Classroom By Amnuaywit
Energy Tree Gallery - Collective Art experience
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