Legacy Learning Center

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Legacy Learning Center is dedicated to hosting events and training sessions focused on browser-based Virtual Reality (VR). Operated by Legacy Designs Studio Inc., under its DBA, Legacy Builders & Empowerment Inc., the center leverages the immersive capabilities of Spatial.io to provide a unique and engaging learning environment. Designed to be a hub of innovation and education, offering a dynamic platform for teens and adults alike to expand their knowledge and skills in browser-based VR

Jailbreak Prison Run

2 online

Timelock: Puzzle Parkour
Woodland Haven
Racing Empire

3 online

メタバースの実証実験キャンパス 17Campus
Mostly Only Up!

2 online

Комус. Склад
Berkeley Forest
ghost town
Kvir Skver | Квир Сквер | Queer Square
AbsolutLand: Journey To The Cosmos
The Haunted Bayou

2 online

Buddy Blitz
Kasama The Awakening
Expo Comic Center / Marvel & DC Gallery

6 online