Porkoland: Animation Awards

Pantelis Kassotis32 views1 love

We created a virtual reality theme park inside the metaverse, called Porkoland. Our Park has plenty of exhibitions, utility rooms for things like meetings and movie screenings and it also hosts events such as the Kassotis+ Animation Awards. Be sure to check it out.

Release Date

January 24, 2023

Lofi Chill with Ari
Mataha - Labyrinth Game
Woodland Haven
The mystery of the Tentaverse
Berkeley Forest
Avatar Wing Shop : Universal Auras Sold Here
La Jornada 1844
Escape Lockdown
Neon Ghost

2 online

Project Reject
Treasures of Angkor
Rainbow Obby
Ospedale nel Metaverso dell'Aou di Cagliari
Spatial Avatar Store

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ghost town