I started oil painting 20 years ago. I began computer art 8 years ago. And finally I'm in VR art for 4 years. IRL exhibitions Paris 2, Strasburg 4, Metz 20, Monaco 1. Working on my web site with .glb now.
PC-VR-FR's Virtual Place
PC-VR-FR's digital twin
PC-VR-FR Space 1
PC-VR-FR's Immersive Place
PC-VR-FR's Digital Place
PC-VR-FR's 7 Galleries (DUDZ)
PC-VR-FR's spheric walkthrough
PC-VR-FR's mushrooms galleries
PC-VR-FR's mountains
PC-VR-FR's VR Gallery
PC-VR-FR's 3D First Walkthrough
PC-VR-FR's Test Walktrough
PC-VR-FR's Cave Gallery